A Logical View


Why a Logical View?

I think most people these days would agree that these words do not describe the current state of affairs in this country. With blatant partisanship controlling political discourse, many in the media not reporting facts without bias (cable news viewers seem to be either a Fox or a CNN viewer), social media full of opinions based on nothing but bias and personal interest, and “facts” that are at best “alternative facts”, it is difficult to decide who to trust.

I believe we need more forums where logical analysis is the guiding principle, thus, this website. This is an effort to look logically and objectively at current issues and invite discussion on that basis.

I cannot claim that I am totally unbiased (no one is), and the subtitle is after all “One Man’s Opinion” but the objective is to look at issues logically without partisanship or self-interest. I admit to some fear that others will think “who is this guy and why would anyone care what he is saying?” Maybe no one will care; that remains to be seen.

But this is one small effort in trying to improve public discourse, and I invite others to submit posts that will contribute to that end.

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I believe we need more forums where logical analysis is the guiding principle, thus, this website. This is an effort to look logically and objectively at current issues and invite discussion on that basis.

Kerry T Winterer